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Workshop between partners on the theme of BIM and low carbon

December 8, 2021 - Hosted by Eiffage and Impulse Partners


On December 8th, SEKOYA's partners met to exchange on the theme "BIM and low carbon". The event took place at Impulse Partners' offices and was broadcasted live. 

It was an opportunity for REXEL France, Eiffage Construction, Eiffage Génie Civil and two speakers from the Gustave Eiffel University to present their achievements on the subject. The objective of the workshop was to acculturate the SEKOYA partners to the possibilities offered by the BIM modeling tools in terms of carbon impact. The exchanges were rich and allowed to underline the contribution of BIM tools for the reduction of the carbon footprint of the sector. However, the collaboration of all the actors of the value chain is necessary for the implementation of this technology which is proving to be complex.  

The workshop allowed the partners to present different cases of application of BIM technology in favor of reducing carbon impact, and this at all scales (building, infrastructure and city). REXEL France, for example, presented the environmental data library that the company has developed for each of its products. The Gustave Eiffel University, in partnership with Eiffage, also introduced CIM technology (City Information Modeling) and its potential contribution to urban policy management.